Improving the Use of AI in Genealogy Through Education


Generative AI offers both exciting opportunities and significant challenges for genealogy. To harness its potential while minimizing risks, genealogists must continually educate themselves and share insights with the community. This collaborative approach deepens individual understanding and highlights effective practices for using AI. Moreover, exploring various AI tools—and understanding the differences between their versions—ensures that users can optimize their research methods and maximize the benefits of these emerging technologies.


Educate yourself, put your insights into practice, and share your experiences—explaining what works, what doesn’t, and why.


Preparation is key to mastering AI in genealogy. Begin by gathering insights from articles, expert experiences, and hands-on research. Here are some strategies to access valuable resources:

  • Listen to AI Podcasts: Gain diverse perspectives and stay updated on current trends.
  • Watch RootsTech Recordings: Learn from real-world applications and expert discussions.
  • Explore Online Resources: Use Google, YouTube, and other platforms to research topics like:
    • “Pros and Cons of AI Use”
    • “Who Has Effective Guardrails?”
    • “Is AI Quality Determined by Data Volume?”

This multi-faceted approach will help you build a solid foundation for applying and sharing AI insights in genealogy.


Ask the same question to multiple AI tools, then evaluate and compare their responses against your established source materials.

Review and Verify

Determine which approach yields better results. Is it the way you framed your question or is it the quality of the data powering the AI platform?

Ethical Considerations

This is a rapid and dynamic change to genealogical research. Provide feedback of important findings to the AI platforms in a helpful manner. We are all learning together.

Benefits and Limitations

Identify the most effective AI tools for each specific task and provide a balanced overview of their benefits and limitations.

Takeaway Tips

AI tools, safety guardrails, and data segmentation are constantly improving, so stay adaptable and keep learning.